- Fancy a shag? 想性交吗?
- I fancy a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. 我想要一杯咖啡一块蛋糕。
- We cannot fancy a life without electricity. 我们不能设想生活中没有电。
- Well, I do not fancy a bar stool. 嗯,我不喜欢高脚凳。
- Do you fancy a bad-minton match? 想去看羽毛球比赛吗?
- Well, I don't fancy a bar stool. 嗯,我不喜欢高脚凳。
- "I just fancy a hot muffin," she said. “我正在幻想吃热松饼”,她说。
- I cannot fancy a life without books. 我无法想像没有书籍的生活。
- You fancy a runaround|with the Councillor? |觉得咱们的议员先生怎么样?
- My thick, black hair had been recently cut short into a shag style. 我一头浓浓的黑发最近刚被剪短成一种蓬松的发型。
- I'd like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a pasty? 我提议吃些东西配啤酒。吃个肉馅饼好吗?
- Jay: Nice one. Lisa love, do you fancy a cuppa or anything? 杰伊:好。亲爱的利萨,你想要一杯茶或其它什么吗?
- We're all familiar with electrostatic charge: shuffle across a shag carpet in sneakers, touch a piece of metal, and zap. 我们都很熟悉静电:穿著运动鞋拖著走过绒毛地毯,碰到一片金属,啪!
- Fancy a big boy like you not understanding such a simple thing! 亏得你长这么大,那么点事儿都不懂。
- I fancy a cup of tea. 我想来杯茶。
- Harley: I'd like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a pasty? 哈利:我提议吃些东西配啤酒。吃个肉馅饼好吗?
- Bold and vibrant colors like a rich burgundy will make your room look warm and inviting.As you see the choice of colors can affect how your room will look with a shag rug laid in it. 随着建筑业和建筑装饰业的迅猛拓展,木质门在建筑行业的应用备受青睐,并且随着人民生活水平的提高和追求生活质量的理念不断深入,使得木质门在家庭居室装饰中的比重越来越大。
- He took a fancy to the girl next door. 他迷恋上了邻家的女孩子。
- Fancy her saying a thing like that! 想不到他竟然说出这种话来。
- She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window. 她渴望自己曾经在宝石商的窗口中见到过的那条项链。